On April 11, 2011, Yu Narukami (the protagonist) arrives in Inaba to live with the Dojimas, consisting of his uncle Ryotaro and his cousin Nanako, for one year, as his parents are working abroad. Just after his arrival, a TV announcer is found dead, her body hanging from an antenna; Saki Konishi, the high school student who had discovered the body, is later found dead herself, hung upside-down from a telephone pole. After the protagonist and his friends accidentally enter the TV world, they encounter Teddie, who helps them travel freely between the TV and real worlds. They awaken their Persona abilities, realizing that the murders stem from attacks by Shadows, beings native to the TV world created from repressed emotions, and are able to rescue several would-be victims.
Release Year: 2012
Game Genre: RPG
Film Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Film Rating: R
Created By: Yic17
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02/19 Added Persona 5 Strikers. This is an ongoing series. New episodes will be added on a daily basis. Be sure to check back often!
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